Our Missionaries

We pray for these missionaries regularly at Gateway and some of them are supported financially from our budget.  Please join us in praying for them by name and feel free to write a note of encouragement to any of them.  Drop your note or donation by the church office and we will make sure it gets forwarded to them.

  • Wyatt Sparks - Mexico. Wyatt is one of our elders, works closely with Christians in Juarez.

  • Armand & Jacqueline NICOLET - jordan. Armand & Jacqueline share the good news in Jordan.

  • Vicky Cordova - prisons. Vicky is a Ruidoso member and works with incarcerated women through Kairos Ministries.

  • Adrian and Moriah Olvera - Albuquerque. The Olvera’s share the gospel on the UNM campus in Albuquerque

  • Sydney Reynolds - Houston. Sydney works with teens in Houston at the Impact Church

  • Kenya Widows & orphans (KWO) - Kenya. Gateway has adopted and supports an orphanage in Kerico, Kenya

  • Life Way Pregnancy Center - Ruidoso. Lifeway helps families who have unexpected pregnancies.