Video explaining the inclusion of instruments in worship

Video explaining the name change from “Church of Christ”


We want our lives to point toward a good God who offers us the free gift of salvation.  We want our meetings and relationships to do the same so we seek to make Jesus the center of everything.


We know that our only hope is the work of Jesus at the cross.  We depend fully on Him and we want to grow in offering grace to everyone.


We take the Bible very seriously.  Men and women read from God’s word each week at Gateway during our worship times. We seek to understand what these scriptures meant when they were written and we humbly ask the Spirit to help us apply the principles we learn to our lives and culture today.


We are on a journey of faith.  We do not settle for the place we are today but continue to make our lives available to the Spirit to change us more into the likeness of Jesus. 

Seasons Joy


We avoid isolation as a trick of the enemy and instead we strive for authentic fellowship with other struggling followers.  Consequently, we share burdens, celebrate victories, laugh, cry, fight, and forgive one another.


We see that God has given us unity with other believers from any church that is seeking to follow Christ.  With gratitude we do all we can to maintain the unity of the Spirit with them and each other.


We are convinced that God has prepared good works for us to do.  We seek to use our gifts each day because we believe that we were created for something bigger than ourselves…the Kingdom. 


We are led by elders/shepherds at Gateway. These men set the direction for our church, pray for us and watch over the lives of our church family members.  Those who place membership at Gateway are added to a “shepherding group”.  This serves to keep us connected and caring for one another.  “Ministry Leaders” are the servants who do many jobs that keep us loving each other and serving our community.


We have experienced great joy in living for God and so we get together regularly to worship him and celebrate his goodness.  When you join us on a Sunday morning you will notice a few things that are important to us:


You will find that we share the Lord’s Supper every week. Brothers and sisters in Christ lead us in a time of reflection and prayer, before we take the bread and juice, to remind us of the work Jesus did to save us. Anyone who wants to participate in this remembrance of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus is welcome to do so.


You will see that we have a baptistry that we use any time a believer is ready to take that step of faith.  We believe that baptism is a re-enactment of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus to show that our hope is in his finished work at the cross.  We claim at least two promises when we baptize a believer; the forgiveness of sin and the gift of the Holy Spirit.


Singing is one of the ways we praise God and encourage those around us. According to Ephesians 5:18-20, lifting our voices together keeps us filled with the Spirit and expresses our gratitude to God. We have gifted singers and musicians who lead us in worship. They are not interested in performing for people, but instead their hearts desire is for our entire congregation to grow in lifting up praise to the One who deserves all we can give Him.

Kids learning a song


We love having a building full of children at Gateway.  Their energy and enthusiasm are a blessing.  They remind us that Jesus said “unless you become like one of these children you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.”  Their dependence on us is a picture of our dependence on Him.  Our goal at Gateway is for your children to be safe, to have fun, to be loved unconditionally, to learn about the Bible and most of all to get to know Jesus Christ.


You will experience a family of Christians who believe that God hears our prayers and He still acts powerfully.  Christian brothers and sisters lead our community in prayers every Sunday. Some Sundays we offer a time of response when our shepherds and their wives are glad to pray over any request.